Get $200 with your 1st order. Same day blood tests, next day results. Google reviews 822

Compare Panels (LabCorp Panels Only)

To add a panel to the list of panels you would like to compare, click the "Compare" button. You will be able to see which tests are included with the panels you select. You must choose at least two panels with a maximum of four panels.

You have selected the following panels to compare:

Acromegaly Screen (Basic) $168 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Acute Pancreatitis Panel $82 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Addison's Disease Screen (Basic) $303 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Adrenal Fatigue Advanced Profile $320 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Adrenal Fatigue Basic Profile $191 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Amenorrhea Profile $173 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Anabolic Steroid Panel $619 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Anemia Profile (Advanced) $203 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Anemia Profile (Advanced) with CMP $247 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Anemia Profile (Basic) $108 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Athletic Ultimate Anti-Aging Panel $753 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Basic Male Hormone Optimization Panel $683 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Basic Women's Sex Hormone Panel $500 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
CBC & CMP $84 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Chemistry Panel (SMAC 25) $250 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Complete Thyroid Follow up $230 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Comprehensive Men's Panel $900 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) (includes eGFR) with Creatine Kinase $101 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Comprehensive Wellness Panel $264 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Comprehensive Women's Panel $900 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Deluxe Autoimmune Profile $384 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Deluxe Checkup $157 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Deluxe Wellness $387 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Deluxe Wellness with Vitamin D $459 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Diabetes Check Panel $116 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Diabetes Check Panel with Insulin $141 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Epididymitis Screen $274 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Estrogen Testing, Comprehensive Panel $214 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Deluxe Checkup $206 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Hormone Basic Follow-up $182 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Hormone Basic Follow-up II $214 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Hormone Basic Follow-up w/Progesterone $223 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Hormone Basic Follow-up w/Progesterone II $263 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Hormone Initial Panel $493 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Hormone Initial Panel w/Progesterone $536 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Hormone Initial Panel w/Progesterone & Lipid $556 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Hormone Optimization Checkup $598 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Hormone Optimization Panel $785 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Ultimate Anti-Aging Panel w/F&T Testosterone $700 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Ultimate Checkup $340 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Female Ultimate Checkup w/NMR $375 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Fighter's Competition Clearance Panel $363 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Follow-up Women's Sex Hormone Panel $320 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Gender Reassignment $233 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Gender Reassignment with Thyroid $301 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
General Wellness Panel $208 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
H. Pylori Screening (Advanced) $137 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
HRT Follow-up Panel $377 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) with Glucose, Serum $82 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hepatitis B Disease Monitoring Profile $146 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hepatitis B Profile $111 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel (F&T Testosterone, NO CMP) $343 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel Basic (F&T Testosterone, E2, FSH) $383 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel Unisex $433 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel for Females $303 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel for Males $483 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel for Males II $575 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel for Males III $662 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel for Males w/ F&T Testosterone LC/MS $483 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel for Males w/ F&T Testosterone LC/MS, FSH & LH $552 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with E2 Sensitive, PSA & F&T Testosterone LC/MS $423 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with E2 Sensitive, Progesterone & Testosterone LC/MS $363 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with E2 Sensitive, Prolactin & Testosterone LC/MS $363 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with Estradiol Sensitive and F&T Testosterone LC/MS-MS $373 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with Estradiol Sensitive and Testosterone LC/MS-MS $303 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with Estradiol Sensitive, Testosterone LC/MS-MS and Lipid $338 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with F&T Testosterone & SHBG $423 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with F&T Testosterone LC/MS-MS $363 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with F&T Testosterone, SHBG and Thyroid $546 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with Lipids $333 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with PSA (F&T) $403 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Panel with Progesterone $373 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Supplement Efficacy Panel $551 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone Supplement Efficacy Panel II $603 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone, Basic Thyroid, Basic Wellness $729 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormone, Thyroid and Basic Wellness $798 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Hormones, Thyroid, Wellness $887 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Immunization Panel $211 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Iron Deficiency Anemia Profile $143 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Iron, Comprehensive Panel $119 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Lipid Panel with LDL:HDL Ratio, HgbA1c, Glucose $135 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Anti-Aging Deluxe w/Free (Direct) Testosterone $483 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Anti-Aging Panel $577 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Athletic Anti-Aging Panel $756 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Deluxe Anti-Aging Panel $423 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Deluxe Checkup $233 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Hormone Basic Follow-up $228 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Hormone Basic Follow-up II (LC/MS) $228 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Hormone Initial Panel $503 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Hormone Optimization Checkup $502 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Hormone Optimization Panel $778 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Ultimate Anti-Aging Panel $695 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Ultimate Checkup w/ NMR® $498 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Male Ultimate Hormone Panel $580 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Menopause Panel $303 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Metabolic Assessment Program $220 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Metabolic Assessment Regimen $152 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Metabolic Syndrome Profile $91 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Metabolic Syndrome Profile (Advanced) $139 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Premature Ejaculation Screen $433 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Prime Performance for Men $395 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Prostate Infection Panel (MALES ONLY) $128 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
STD Urinary Tract Infection Panel $244 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Scuba Diving Safety Fitness Panel $231 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Thyroid Check Deluxe $418 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Thyroid Panel with Ferritin and Vitamin D $344 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Thyroid TSH w/ Free T4 & Free T3 $164 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Thyroxine (T4), Total and Tri-iodothyronine (T3) Total $103 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Total Thyroid Checkup $280 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Tri-iodothyronine T3 Total and Free T3 $134 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Ultimate Anti-Aging Panel $653 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Ultimate Checkup $239 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Ultimate Checkup w/ NMR® $344 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Ultimate Healthy Heart Cholesterol Profile $130 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Ultimate Male Cancer Profile $442 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts

Please Note: If this panel is ordered by a female, due to ordering restrictions on certain tests, the PSA test will not be included on the requisition and will not be performed.

The Ultimate Cancer Profile is a group of tests that is performed to look for signs of cancer or to see if you are likely to develop cancer. Screening tests that look for cancer are called early detection tests. Screening tests that show cancer is likely to develop are called preventive screening.Significant deviations from the normal range may require further evaluation by your physician.


Iron, serum.

Color; appearance; specific gravity; pH; protein; glucose; occult blood; ketones; leukocyte esterase; nitrite; bilirubin; urobilinogen; microscopic examination of urine sediment.

Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count; immature granulocytes.

Sedimentation Rate, Modified Westergren

C-Reactive Protein (CRP), High Sensitivity (Cardiac Risk Assessment)

This test is also know as: Cardiac C-Reactive Protein. Cardiac C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ; Cardiac CRP ; Cardio C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ; Cardio CRP ; C-Reactive Protein (CRP), High Sensitivity ; C-Reactive Protein (CRP), HS ; CRP, Cardiac ; CRP, Cardio ; CRP, High Sensitivity ; CRP, HS ; High Sensitivity CRP ; HS CRP .

A:G ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; ALT (SGPT); AST (SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum; eGFR.

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT); albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; aspartate aminotransferase (AST/SGOT); bilirubin, direct; bilirubin, total; protein, total, serum

Albumin, serum; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; glucose, serum; phosphorus, serum; potassium, serum; sodium, serum.

PSA, Free:Total Ratio

Patient instructions:

You should fast for 12 hours before collection of the specimen. Fasting is defined as no consumption of food or beverage other than water for at least 12 hours before testing. Some tests in this panel may exhibit interference when sample is collected from a person who is consuming a supplement with a high dose of biotin (also termed as vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H or coenzyme R). Patient should be cautioned to stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection of a sample. For accurate test results, no ejaculation during the 24 hours preceding the test.

Estimated turnaround for results is 3 business days. If confirmation testing is required, the estimated time may be extended.

Ultimate NMR® Healthy Heart Cholesterol Profile $275 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Ultimate Thyroid Panel with Basic Hormones $553 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Ultimate Viral STD Panel $493 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Ultimate Wellness Panel $492 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Urinary Tract Infection Panel $173 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Vitamin/Nutrient Panel $483 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Wilson's Disease Profile $111 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
Women's Hormone Balance Scan $463 Compare Panel Info
You earn: 0 pts
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