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Can folic acid reduce the development of dementia?
Date: 2013-06-06 00:00:00

The World Health Organization estimates that up to 36 million people internationally have Alzheimer's disease, and some experts suggest that this number could increase to 115 million by 2050.

Researchers have made finding a way to predict, prevent and in some cases stall the condition a priority. According to a recent study, vitamin B may play an essential role in preventing dementia, and in some cases may prevent up to 50 to 80 percent of cases, Counsel and Heal reported.

Researchers recruited 200 elders impacted by dementia who had high levels of homocysteine, which is associated with the condition. The study spanned two years, and over the course of it, they administered vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6 and folic acid to half of the participants at levels exceeding the recommended amounts. The remaining portion of individuals were given a placebo.

Researchers learned that the brains of people taking a placebo atrophied by 5.2 percent, while those given vitamins were affected by 0.2 percent atrophy.

A homocysteine test or similar type of lab test online can help to determine an individual's level of overall health - as well as the presence of folic acid in the body.

Alzheimer's disease impacts more than 5 million Americans and is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the Alzheimer's Association.

In 2013, the overall costs of Alzheimer's related care costs will be $203 billion, and by 2050 could increase to $1.2 trillion.

Sky News reported that an upcoming study will focus on the effectiveness of the NeuroVision test, which was developed in the U.S. to detect those potentially at risk for developing Alzheimer's. Primarily, the test could determine early on the buildup of plaque in the brain before it impedes cognitive function.

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Study finds data-mining EMRs may pick up bad drug interactions
Date: 2013-06-06 00:00:00

Electronic medical records have helped make healthcare more convenient and accessible for providers, and patients are now able to enjoy a greater, more personalized level of care thanks to this technology, which in turn could reduce the time people need to spend in clinical settings.

For individuals who enjoy the autonomy of getting quality care without spending time in the hospital, doing everything from a basic lab test online to anonymous STD testing can be easy and help you have an additional layer of privacy.

EMRs also offer other benefits, and according to a recent study by the New Jersey Institute of Technology, they may be able to detect bad interactions between certain drugs.

"Medication safety requires that each drug be monitored throughout its market life as early detection of adverse drug reactions can lead to alerts that prevent patient harm," said Mei Liu, Ph.D., assistant professor at the NJIT. "Recently, electronic medical records have emerged as a valuable resource for detecting bad drug reactions."

Researchers analyzed data that was collected over a 12-year period from Vanderbilt University Medical Center on the use of retrospective medication orders and results from inpatient laboratory tests.

They were able to surmise that adverse drug reactions can be predicted from examining the chemical, biological and phenotypic properties of drugs. Through data-mining practices in EMRs, healthcare providers may be better equipped to reduce the occurrence of these emergencies.

According to the World Health Organization, the vast majority of adverse drug reactions are preventable and can occur around the world, both in developed and underdeveloped countries.

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Sugar may cause damage to your heart
Date: 2013-06-14 00:00:00

People who are concerned about their risk of developing conditions such as Type 2 diabetes or heart disease should get regular blood tests to make sure they are healthy. They should also maintain a healthy diet, since consuming too much fat and sugar can increase the risk of both these conditions. For example, according to a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Texas, consuming too much sugar can increase a person's risk of developing heart disease.

The scientists explained that the glucose metabolite glucose 6-phosphate may cause stress to the heart, leading to poor pump function and heart failure. The researchers stated that heart disease kills an estimated 5 million Americans each year, and the one-year survival rate after diagnosis is only 50 percent.

"Treatment is difficult. Physicians can give diuretics to control the fluid, and beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors to lower the stress on the heart and allow it to pump more economically," said Heinrich Taegtmeyer, M.D., D.Phil., principal investigator and professor of cardiology at the UTHealth Medical School. "But we still have these terrible statistics and no new treatment for the past 20 years."

Sugar and the heart... Full Story

150 minutes of exercise is enough, no matter how people get it
Date: 2013-06-20 00:00:00

Staying healthy takes hard work and determination - it is not easy. This is why people may benefit from getting regular lab tests that can help show them if they are in good shape. For example, cholesterol blood tests can show individuals whether they have healthy levels or need to re-examine their diet and exercise habits. Some people may not exercise regularly because they feel as though they do not have the time. However, a recent study has found that even if people can only exercise two or three days a week, they could be on their way to a healthy life.

According to scientists from Queen's University, people who exercise for 150 minutes a week over the course of just a few days are just as healthy as those who get those 150 minutes by exercising more frequently.

"The findings indicate that it does not matter how adults choose to accumulate their 150 weekly minutes of physical activity," said researcher Ian Janssen, Ph.D. "For instance, someone who did not perform any physical activity on Monday to Friday but was active for 150 minutes over the weekend would obtain the same health benefits from their activity as someone who accumulated 150 minutes of activity over the week by doing 20-25 minutes of activity on a daily basis."

It does not matter how you do it... Full Story

The color of the cutlery you use may make a difference in your diet
Date: 2013-06-28 00:00:00

People who are trying to improve their health should consider ordering regular blood tests and lab tests to make sure that they have good cholesterol levels and are free of other signs of disease. They may also want to work on changing their diet, especially if they usually eat foods that are high in fat, salt and cholesterol. Eating healthy foods is not always easy, but there are some diet tricks that people may not be aware of. For example, the type of cutlery people use could make a difference in how they feel about their food.

According to a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Oxford found that the type of plates, glasses and utensils people use can make an impact on how they perceive their food. This means that there may be ways to trick the body into thinking food tastes differently or is more filling than it really is.

Engage the senses ... Full Story

Patients with chronic migraines should seek immediate treatment
Date: 2013-06-28 00:00:00

According to a recent study presented at the International Headache Congress meeting in Boston, Mass., people who do not receive proper treatment for acute migraine headaches may be more likely to struggle with chronic headaches or migraines over time, WebMD reported.

"These findings are exciting as they provide clinical targets for intervention. When we discover factors that increase the risk of progression, health care providers can focus their efforts in those areas to improve care and outcomes," said study co-author Dawn Buse, Ph.D.

More than 4,600 people participated in the study, which examined the occurrence of episodic migraines for the individuals. These are characterized by having migraines for 14 days or fewer per month.

Researchers - who were from the Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Vedanta Research, in Chapel Hill, N.C. - learned that close to half of the individuals received poor to very poor treatment for their migraines, and as a result may have been more likely to sustain symptoms for chronic episodes exceeding 15 days a month.

They ultimately concluded that by treating migraines quickly and offering treatment methods shortly after a patient sought care, doctors may be able to improve patient outcomes and overall wellness.

Migraines are characterized by intense throbbing pain in one area of the head, but may also lead to nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound, the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke reported.

Individuals who are affected by chronic migraines may also have other health conditions they need to seek care for. To gain a better understanding of their overarching wellness, people should consider using lab tests online. With a lab test, people can learn more about their health and seek out the proper treatments as a result.

... Full Story

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