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Researchers find more reasons to lose weight now, rather than later
Date: 2013-03-04 00:00:00

There are many things in life that people put off - but getting important blood tests and cholesterol tests should not be on that list. Similarly, losing weight should not be something that people wait to do until the time feels right for them. According to researchers from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, losing weight at a younger age increases the chance of reversing heart damage, compared to shedding pounds later in life.

These findings should encourage people to stop making excuses and telling themselves that they will get around to exercising at some point, and starting working toward developing a healthy weight now.

The sooner the better ... Full Story

Researchers craft a plan to get kids to exercise every day
Date: 2013-03-13 00:00:00

Blood tests can diagnose a number of health problems, from the flu to terminal cancer, which is why people should get lab tests regularly. One important condition that a blood test can diagnose is diabetes, which is a growing problem in the U.S. among both children and adults. Kids are eating more and exercising less, increasing their risk of not only developing diabetes, but also heart disease later in life. Recently, researchers from the University of Tennessee set out to combat the problem of childhood obesity head-on, and came up with a comprehensive plan.

The scientists released a report explaining exactly how children can meet the federal recommendation of 60 minutes of physical activity a day - and it's easier than many people may think.

A serious issue... Full Story

High-protein breakfasts may reduce snacking
Date: 2013-03-28 00:00:00

People who are overweight and can't seem to help snacking throughout the day should regularly get cholesterol tests and blood tests to keep their lipid profiles in check. They should also do something to help them stop snacking constantly, which is often something that is easier said than done for many people. However, researchers from the University of Missouri have recently discovered that one simple way to stop snacking is to eat a better breakfast.

Scientists found that consuming a high-protein breakfast helps people control their appetite throughout the rest of the day, and reduces the amount of unhealthy, high-fat snacks they consume in the evening.

Breakfast is key... Full Story

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