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High-protein breakfasts may reduce snacking
Date: 2013-03-28 00:00:00

People who are overweight and can't seem to help snacking throughout the day should regularly get cholesterol tests and blood tests to keep their lipid profiles in check. They should also do something to help them stop snacking constantly, which is often something that is easier said than done for many people. However, researchers from the University of Missouri have recently discovered that one simple way to stop snacking is to eat a better breakfast.

Scientists found that consuming a high-protein breakfast helps people control their appetite throughout the rest of the day, and reduces the amount of unhealthy, high-fat snacks they consume in the evening.

Breakfast is key... Full Story

Research confirms that fast food is still bad for you
Date: 2013-05-07 00:00:00

For years, fast food was known as the worst type of food a person could consume, since it is so packed with fat and sugar. In recent years, there has been an effort within the fast food industry to offer healthier options on their menus. However, this doesn't mean that people who eat these foods regularly aren't in need of blood tests to check their cholesterol levels. According to recent research funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Healthy Eating Research program, fast food menus are only slightly healthier than they were years ago, and much improvement is still needed.

The report also discovered that more than 25 percent of American adults eat fast food two or more times a week. Clearly, it's important for people to know what they are putting into their bodies when they consume these potentially unhealthy foods.

Improvements are slow and small ... Full Story

Researchers confirm heart-health benefits of walnuts
Date: 2013-05-09 00:00:00

Cholesterol testing kits can help people learn whether they should change their diet and engage in more exercise than they currently do in order to improve their levels. While most people know that consuming red meat and other foods high in saturated fat may increase the amount of low-density lipoprotein, or "bad" cholesterol, in their bodies, they may have trouble identifying which foods can help lower cholesterol.

Recently, researchers from Penn State, Tufts University and University of Pennsylvania determined that one thing people can do if they want to potentially improve their cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels is consume walnuts. The scientists found that eating whole walnuts or their extracted oil may reduce the risk of heart disease. While this is something that researchers have long known, scientists now understand why it works.

Walnuts are a superfood... Full Story

What the new guidelines for cholesterol medication mean for you
Date: 2013-11-12 00:00:00

A major shift in the treatment of those with high risk for heart disease has been announced by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. For people with poor results on cholesterol tests, this may mean a change in how doctors treat the condition. Read on to find more information regarding the changes made to the way that heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular issues will now be treated.

A focus on risk factors... Full Story

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