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HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
ABO Grouping and Rho(D) Typing
  • Determine your blood type for emergencies
  • Confirm compatibility for safe blood transfusions
  • Reveal potential Rh incompatibility in pregnancy

ABO blood grouping and Rh typing.

HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Acromegaly Screen (Basic)
  • Pinpoint the cause of unusual growth
  • Reveal hidden hormone imbalances effortlessly
  • Clarify symptoms like fatigue and joint pain

Glucose, serum;
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I(IGF-1);
Thyroxine Free, Direct (FT4);
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH).
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Acute Pancreatitis Panel
  • Pinpoint the cause of abdominal pain
  • Reveal hidden issues affecting your pancreas
  • Clarify the source of digestive problems

Lipase, serum
Amylase, serum.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Addison's Disease Screen (Basic)
  • Pinpoint the cause of your fatigue
  • Reveal hidden adrenal issues effortlessly
  • Clarify unexplained weight loss or gain

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH), Plasma;
Antiadrenal Antibodies, Quantitative;
Uric Acid, serum;
Magnesium, serum;
Cortisol, serum;
Color, appearance, specific gravity, pH, protein, glucose, occult blood, ketones, leukocyte esterase, nitrite, bilirubin, urobilinogen, and microscopic examination of urine sediment;
CBC With Differential/Platelet: Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count.
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) (includes eGFR): A:G ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; ALT (SGPT); AST (SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum; eGFR.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Adrenal Antibody Screen with Reflex to Titer
  • Pinpoint the cause of your fatigue
  • Reveal hidden adrenal issues effortlessly
  • Clarify unexplained weight changes quickly
Antiadrenal Antibodies, Quantitative
This test is also known as:
Adrenal Antibodies, Serum
Antiadrenal Cortex Antibodies

Estimated turnaround for results is 7 business days. If confirmation testing is required, the estimated time may be extended.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Adrenal Fatigue Advanced Profile
  • Pinpoint the cause of chronic fatigue
  • Reveal underlying stress factors effortlessly
  • Clarify the source of your energy dips

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH), Plasma
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile ( includes eGFR ):
A:G ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; ALT (SGPT); AST (SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum; eGFR
Cortisol, AM
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Sulfate
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Adrenal Fatigue Basic Profile
  • Pinpoint the cause of your fatigue
  • Reveal hidden stress impacts on health
  • Clarify adrenal function for better energy

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH), Plasma
Cortisol, AM
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
  • Pinpoint the cause of your stress
  • Reveal hidden adrenal gland issues
  • Clarify unexplained fatigue symptoms
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Alanine Aminotransferase ALT (formally known as SGPT)
  • Reveal liver health issues effortlessly
  • Detect potential liver damage early
  • Clarify unexplained fatigue causes
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT)

****Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT) is included in the Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) and in the Liver Function Profile****
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Albumin, Serum
  • Reveal protein levels to understand your nutrition
  • Detect liver issues before they become serious
  • Assess kidney function for better health management

Albumin, serum.

****Albumin, serum is included in the Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP), the Liver Function Profile and the Kidney Function Profile.****
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum
  • Reveal bone health issues effortlessly
  • Diagnose liver problems with precision
  • Highlight potential vitamin deficiencies early

Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum

********Alkaline Phosphatase, serum is included in the Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) and in the Liver Function Profile.****
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Amenorrhea Profile
  • Pinpoint the cause of missed periods
  • Reveal hormone imbalances affecting your cycle
  • Clarify underlying health issues quickly

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Amylase, Serum
  • Pinpoint digestive issues causing discomfort
  • Reveal potential pancreatic problems early
  • Clarify unexplained abdominal pain sources
Amylase, Serum
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Anabolic Steroid Panel
  • Reveal hormone imbalances affecting your performance
  • Detect potential liver issues early on
  • Confirm your body's response to steroids

- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), serum
- Complete Blood Count (CBC) w/ Differential
: Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count
- Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) (includes eGFR): A:G ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; ALT (SGPT); AST (SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum
- Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
- Estradiol
- Testosterone (Free), Serum (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration) With Total Testosterone
- Lipid Panel
: Cholesterol, total; high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol; low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (calculation); triglycerides; very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol (calculation).
- Insulin Growth Factor (IGF-1)
- Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

If total testosterone levels are greater than the cutoff for this test (>1500), results for free testosterone and/or percent free testosterone may not be provided.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Androstenedione with LC/MS
  • Pinpoint hormone imbalances affecting your mood
  • Reveal hidden causes of unexplained fatigue
  • Clarify reasons behind unexpected weight changes
Androstenedione, LC/MS
This test is also known as:
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Anemia Profile (Advanced)
  • Pinpoint the cause of your fatigue
  • Reveal hidden iron deficiencies effortlessly
  • Clarify the reasons behind your dizziness

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential : (Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count; immature granulocytes)
Iron, Serum w/TIBC: Percent of saturation; serum iron; total iron binding capacity; unsaturated iron binding capacity
Reticulocyte count
Ferritin, serum
Folic acid, serum
Vitamin B12, serum
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Anemia Profile (Advanced) with CMP
  • Pinpoint the cause of your fatigue
  • Reveal hidden nutrient deficiencies
  • Clarify your overall health status

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential: (Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count; immature granulocytes)
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) (includes eGFR): (A:G ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; ALT (SGPT); AST (SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum.)
Iron, Serum w/TIBC: Percent of saturation; serum iron; total iron binding capacity; unsaturated iron binding capacity
Reticulocyte count
Ferritin, serum
Folic acid, serum
Vitamin B12, serum
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Anemia Profile (Basic)
  • Pinpoint the cause of your fatigue
  • Reveal hidden iron deficiencies effortlessly
  • Clarify the reason behind your dizziness

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential Test: (Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count; immature granulocytes)
Iron, Serum w/TIBC: Percent of saturation; serum iron; total iron binding capacity; unsaturated iron binding capacity
Reticulocyte count
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Anti-Mi-2 Ab
  • Checks for specific muscle antibodies
  • Detects autoimmune muscle disease signs
  • Identifies muscle inflammation markers

Anti-Mi-2 Ab

HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Anti-Scl-70 Ab (RDL)
  • Tests for scleroderma-related antibodies
  • Detects autoimmune disease markers
  • Screens for scleroderma in blood

Anti-Scl-70 Ab (RDL)

HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) , IFA
  • Reveal autoimmune issues causing your symptoms
  • Clarify unexplained joint pain origins
  • Detect early signs of chronic diseases
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA), IFA
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) Direct
  • Reveal autoimmune issues causing your symptoms
  • Clarify unexplained joint pain origins
  • Detect early signs of chronic diseases

Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) Direct

*** ANA Direct is the Antinuclear Antibodies test included in the Autoimmune Profile ****
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT)
  • Reveal liver health issues effortlessly
  • Diagnose potential liver damage with precision
  • Clarify the cause of unexplained fatigue
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT)

****Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT) is included in the Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) and in the Liver Function Profile****
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Athletic Ultimate Anti-Aging Panel
  • Pinpoint the cause of your fatigue
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting performance
  • Enhance wellness with precise insights

Cardiac C-Reactive Protein Test (HS)
Complete Blood Count (CBC) w/ Differential:
Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count; immature granulocytes.
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile ( includes eGFR): A:G ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; ALT (SGPT); AST (SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum.
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEA-s)
Estradiol Sensitive
Ferritin, Serum
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT)
Hemoglobin (Hgb) A1c
Insulin, Fasting
Iron, Serum w/ TIBC
: Percent of saturation; serum iron; total iron binding capacity; unsaturated iron binding capacity
Lipid Profile: Cholesterol, total; high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol; low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (calculation); triglycerides; very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol (calculation).
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Magnesium, Serum
Sex Hormone binding Globulin, Serum
Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum With Total Testosterone
Thyroxine Free, Direct (FT4)
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Tri-iodothyronine Free, (FT3)
Urinalysis, Routine Profile:
Color, appearance, specific gravity, pH, protein, glucose, ketones, occult blood, leukocyte esterase, nitrite, bilirubin, and urobilinogen. These tests are done on all routine urinalysis ordered and if protein, leukocyte, occult blood, nitrite, and turbidity are all negative, microscopic examination is not performed; just the above parameters are reported. (If results are abnormal test will reflex to include microscopic examination).

Note: If total testosterone results are expected to be >1500 it is best that the Testosterone LC/MS-MS version of this test be ordered.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Autoimmune Profile
  • Pinpoint the cause of your fatigue
  • Reveal hidden autoimmune issues effortlessly
  • Clarify unexplained symptoms with precision
Anti-DNA (double-stranded) antibodies; antinuclear antibodies (Direct); complement C3.
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