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Male Anti-Aging Deluxe w/Free Testosterone

Lab order in a few minutes

Lab order
in a few minutes

Low prices since 2005

Low prices
since 2005

90 day money-back guarantee

90 day money-back

No waiting at the doc

No waiting
at the doctor's

Labs within 2 miles

Labs within
2 miles

Private, accurate and secure

Private, accurate
and secure

HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted
Men's Anti Aging Test Light
  • Reveal the reasons behind your fatigue
  • Pinpoint hormone imbalances affecting your mood
  • Expose hidden factors impacting your energy levels
Complete Blood Count / CBC (includes Differential and Platelets)
  • Absolute Promyelocytes
  • White Blood Cell Count
  • Red Blood Cell Count
  • Hemoglobin
  • Hematocrit
  • MCV
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • RDW
  • Platelet Count
  • MPV
  • Absolute Neutrophils
  • Absolute Metamyelocytes
  • Absolute Myelocytes
  • Absolute Lymphocytes
  • Absolute Monocytes
  • Absolute Eosinophils
  • Absolute Basophils
  • Absolute Blasts
  • Absolute Nucleated Rbc
  • Neutrophils
  • Metamyelocytes
  • Myelocytes
  • Promyelocytes
  • Lymphocytes
  • Reactive Lymphocytes
  • Monocytes
  • Eosinophils
  • Basophils
  • Blasts
  • Nucleated RBC
  • White Blood Cells
  • Red Blood Cells
  • Segmented Neutrophils
  • Metamyelocyte
  • Myelocyte
  • Promyelocyte
  • Nucleated RBCs
  • Smudge Cells
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (includes eGFR)
  • Chloride
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Bun/Creatinine Ratio
  • ALT
  • AST
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • Bilirubin, Total
  • Albumin/Globulin Ratio
  • Globulin
  • Albumin
  • Protein, Total
  • Calcium
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Creatinine
  • Urea Nitrogen (Bun)
  • Glucose
  • eGFR
Lipid Panel
  • Chol/Hdlc Ratio
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • HDL Cholesterol
  • Cholesterol, Total
  • Non HDL Cholesterol
Thyroid Profile w/ TSH
  • Free T4 Index (T7)
  • T4 (Thyroxine), Total
  • T3 Uptake
  • TSH
Testosterone, Free and Total, LC/MS/MS
  • Testosterone, Free
  • Testosterone, Total, MS
Igf 1, LC/MS
Estradiol,Ultrasensitive, LC/MS
PSA, Total
Preparation Fasting: 12-14 hours No ejaculation: 24 hours
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 10 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted
Male Anti-Aging Deluxe w/Free (Direct) Testosterone
  • Reveal the reasons behind your low energy
  • Confirm your testosterone levels with certainty
  • Highlight areas to Enhance your vitality

Lipid Profile: Cholesterol, total; high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol; low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (calculation); triglycerides; very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol (calculation).
Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential: (Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count; immature granulocytes)
Estradiol, Sensitive
Insulin Growth Factor (IGF-1)

Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) (includes eGFR): (A:G ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; ALT (SGPT); AST (SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum.)
Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum With Total Testosterone
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)

Thyroid Profile w/ TSH: Free Thyroxine Index (FTI);Thyroxine (T4); Thyroid Hormone Binding Ratio (T3 Uptake); Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Note: If total testosterone results are expected to be >1500 it is best that the Testosterone LC/MS-MS version of this test be ordered.

Questions about online blood testing or how to order a lab test?

Speak with our Wellness Team: (877) 283-7882
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